What is this new PassiveHouse concept?
1970's "Passive Solar" met 1990's "Advanced Building Science" in Darmstadt Germany...

The most comfort &
the least amount of energy needed.
Quite simply it's the most stringent and highest certified building performance standard in the World. The Passive House designation combines time-honored design principles with advanced performance standards.
Components of a Passive House:
Sometimes, a new design is so innovative that it completely obliterates all we know about the original object… PassiveHouse is a totally new science-based enhancement of our passive solar homes of the ’70s…
airtight envelope
energy recovery ventilation
no thermal bridging
advanced frames with triple-pane windows
maximized passive solar
“itty bitty" heat & air units
Built using a true systems approach:
proper siteing to take full advantage of passive solar gains
super-tight construction
eliminating thermal bridging
adding super-insulation and leading-edge windows and doors

High Indoor Air Quality
You’ll breathe better every day. The home’s stale indoor air is replaced with clean fresh oxygenated air every 2 hours.

Comfortable, Consistent Indoor Temperatures
Irritating drafts and hot/cold spots are eliminated thru the super tight construction and the absence of thermal bridging.

Operational Savings
Utility bills – really small. 90% less than standard homes.
Maintenance – tight building envelope reduces typical associated costs. Conventional mechanical systems – eliminated.

Globally, more than 500,000
buildings have been constructed using Passive House principles. In fact, many European countries have already
or are in the process of making it
their standard building code.