Why Build With Us?
We, our craftsmen, and our clients remain positive and appreciative of one another, have the most enjoyable experiences together, and remain in awe of our beautiful collaboration for years to come!
On our job sites, there is always "good air", where each team knows one another.
It's "hail fellow well met" when each sequential crew shows up.
There's lots of laughter and lots of pride.
Anyone who visits our sites always comments on how extraordinarily nice everyone is".
We are of the belief that this happy attitude on-site ends up in the ethers of the home. So we try our utmost to maintain it. Once completed, we've been told countless times that there's a really "good feeling" when one enters an Anchorage-built home, often describing the feeling of "a weight lifted off".
Maybe it's just the high ceilings, the unique lighting, sunshine in, or the maximized vistas out the windows,
but then again, maybe it's truly "in the ethers"!
Some helpful tips to get started on your new green home
I. Builder Selection
Look for personality and chemistry. I'd look for a builder that has great listening skills, yet has broad experience for any suggestions and ideas you might appreciate. The ideal builder would be "naturally circuited to help" and would have your best interests at heart. To build a new home, there is a lot of cooperation and trust required of both parties.
Once you and Anchorage have
chosen one another, here’s what to do:
II. Homesite Selection
Already have your land? – Nice! As part of our building services, we will gladly walk your homesite with you, your architect or home designer. In fact, we insist on it. If possible, you want your Home to be sited intelligently among trees and topography, seasonal Sun, and vistas.
Looking for land? - Great, but it's more & more scarce around Chapel Hill! But as a realtor since 1978 we do know available tracts. Walking land and exploring the possibilities is major big fun for us.
III. House Plan Design
We can assist a lot in this phase, in a few gratis meetings, by helping to value-engineer construction possibilities with the design, while the drawings are in-process. We can recommend some of the nicest Greenest Architects around. You'll also want the Home, Well, Septic, Driveway, etc. to be sited with mapping and plotting help from a local Surveyor. The home-design sources can begin with ideas from plan books, plan websites and magazines, but it needs to be finished by an Architect or Home Designer so the construction package can be Permitted by the County.